What is the Procedure to Change Registered Email Address in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is the best bookkeeping and accounting software developed to date. While accessing or signing in to QuickBooks, users may sometimes have the thought of changing their registered email address for various reasons. Now, Intuit Inc. made it easier for users. You can then update the desired email address with the old email address. Updating email addresses is essential as it is one of the primary or primary means of sending important and sensitive communications and messages. Alternatively, an email address is a way to retrieve a user ID or password. In this blog we are going to discuss how to change email address in QuickBooks. If you no longer have access to your old registered email, see the email change request. Or you can even contact the QuickBooks online support team directly at our toll free number, i.e. +1-844-405-0907.

Read Also: How to print W-2 forms with QuickBooks

Procedure to change the email address associated with your company:

·         Select the Gear icon from the toolbar.

·         In the Your business section, select the Accounts and Settings tab (or Business Settings).

·         In the menu section, select the Company tab.

·         In the Contact Information section, select the Pencil icon.

·         In the Company email field, enter a new email address.

·         Select the Save icon, then click the Done tab.

How do I change the email associated with a location (for location tracking)?

·         Select the Gear icon from the toolbar.

·         In the Lists tab, choose All Lists tab. Select the Location tab.

·         Select the desired location that you want to edit, then from the drop-down menu in the action column select the Edit tab.

·         Check this box because this location has a different email address for customer communication.

·         Enter an email address, then select the Save tab.

Winding Up:

Once the changes are saved, the email address will be updated on the linked servers. Hope this article was helpful in telling you how to change email address in QuickBooks. If you still cannot change your registered email address even after following the steps above, you can contact our toll-free QuickBooks support number, i.e. +1-844-405-0907 without spending much time and effort. Our Intuit Certified Consultants will be happy to assist you with QuickBooks related matters.


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